DVD Slim Free 2.8

DVD Slim Free 2.8

Free A free tool to create slim and standard covers for all kinds of disc boxes
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

DVD Slim Free offers a simple solution to your CD, DVD, Blu-ray, and console game boxes and labels. This free utility makes cover design and printing and easy and rewarding task, allowing you to customize or print finished covers or create your own. The program supports all types of boxes, including CD and DVD standard and slim boxes, Mini CD/DVD boxes, disc labels, VHS covers, and games boxes for Wii, PS3, PS2, XBOX 360, and PSX games.

Using this tool couldn’t be more straightforward. All you need to do is select the template for the box or disc label you wish to create, load the covers or whatever images you wish to use to create a new one, add any titles or text (when necessary), and send it to print. The program will fit your covers and labels automatically to the size of the selected template, which is a great feature when printing the original design, but it’s not so great when creating your own custom cover as the image may lose its original proportions or aspect ratio. You can then add a title on the front cover and another one on the edge of the box using your favorite font, size, and color. You can also customize the margins from the outer brink to the image you loaded, if so desired.

Probably the most interesting feature that you will find in DVD Slim Free is the possibility of searching for existing covers on the Web without leaving the program. It will connect to All Cd Covers.com, Cd Covers.cc, Cd Covers.to, Cover Target.com, Free Covers.net, and Seek a Cover.com and will try to find and retrieve your selected box cover. This is a very interesting and useful add-on that you won’t find easily in similar tools.

DVD Slim Free is a good solution to printing and creating your disc boxes and labels. It has been designed to be of use for all types of users, minimizing the steps required to produce great-looking artwork for your music, video, and game collections.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Support for all types of disc boxes and VHS tapes
  • Straightforward functionality
  • Searches for covers in popular cover sites


  • Fits the image to the selected cover automatically


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